After my 2-week trip outside Switzerland, i was very very tired. It was not enough to just hang out the first non-travel day with my first black dude in Westeros, 'cause the next day i was already off to St. Gallen. I had a list, or still have, about places i'd liked to visit while still having benefit to travel everywhere in Switzerland. St. Gallen was a very nice place, especially when i had my always smiling floormate as a guide.
Mid-Summer weekend i spent in Münster (coming soon) and this week i spontaneously visit Murten and Zweisimmen. I noticed that even though Switzerland is smaller than Estonia, it has so many corners and spots that it might take while to see them all. So for the future i left something to wait. And perfect excuse to come back ;)
Right, i'm in Finland now. This time leaving was even harder than last time. It hurt to give my best friend, GA, back and in Basel i had second thoughts about crossing the border. But i wasn't going directly to Finland, i was heading first to Cologne. I was visiting a friend from my Erasmus time and it accidently turned out be Erasmus/Fellergut -meeting. Great! I was though dying quite a lot because of this crazy June but i'm very very happy that we found time to meet each other. Bis nächstes Mal!
Football, football. Footballfootballfootbaaaal!
Yes. World championships are here! Football is everywhere, everyone is watching it. Including me. But it's not the same for me 'cause Finland isn't playing. If Finland is not playning, i'm! So Münster was this time the place where TheoFussCup 2014 was held. Games started by watching Switzerland - France game, which wasn't very good motivation for our games. And our games didn't go very well either, but we had an awesome team and at least i was enjoying playing but i can play better than i performed at that weekend. I just need to train a bit more.
All the teams (some quite far from Germany) slept under the same roof, in a sports hall. Especially in the first night i wasn't so happy about that. I was so tired and i couldn't sleep actually at all. So i was afraid of next evening because of Germany - Ghana game, that people wouldn't sleep. But second night was much better 'cause i didn't hear people's talk or snoring anymore. I just need to say that even without watching the game you could hear when Germany scored a goal. They screamed extremely loud!! That's cheering we all should learn to do!
Renting and driving a car was also what was part of this weekend. It went quite smoothly even though i had a tiny stress about driving a car after almost 3 three months and in Germanys highways. But it was so fun (well traffic jams not so much), it was sometimes like slalom! Returning the car in time was not definite thing, but we made it.
Fellergut night life
I've been telling that i'm super tired, but i haven't slept. Going to bed before midnight in Fellergut seems to be impossible. And last two weeks i have wanted to spend with my friends. Which means staying up. Late. One night grilling (in a hard rain), second one eating pizza with my Finn-Swiss cross-country ski-team and afterwards finding myself drinking wine with a new cool neighbour. It's hard to say where the time goes or does it fly faster when you don't wear your Swatch. Anyway, i'm sure it was around 10pm when i met the coolest Swede (ever!) and after a moment it was 1.30am!!
My last day (THIS FAR) was perfect without cleaning and packing and thinking the hurtful truth of going away. It was sunny and warm, hard trainings in Neufeld forest, and afterwards swimming in that turquoise river Aare. That was interesting without wearing contact lenses and not seeing very well at all... But fun!! Swimming in Aare doesn't beat the evening, though, which i was honoured to hang out with very special friends. I'm very thankful to you for staying up so late, some ignoring the fact that thursday isn't weekend yet :)
This time in Switzerland was very high, very top in the ranking list what i have done. I have built a real life in another country, never feeling lonely. I had maybe best job ever! I thank you, God, for all the moments i have experienced here (and having) with amazing friends by my side, with whom i can laugh and joy, whom i'll miss while being gone. You are pieces in my heart, and i left pieces behind.
Until we meet again!