The main purpose for this trip was to see my friends in Bern. That's kind of an old thing thoug. But this something new was skiing in the Alps! Not cross-country but downhill skiing. During the weekend there was couple of unexpected stories and a note to tell, which were at same time new things too. Well, I give the unexpected note right the way: I forgot everything in Finland while being in Switzerland (studies, job applications and my very-hard-to-plan future) and I got a bit scared how easily it happened.
Preparing the raclette. |
And my 4 day long holiday started with another unexpected thing. 'Cause I'm student, I try to travel as cheap as possible. So I bought the cheapest flights too, which aren't usually direct ones. This time I was supposed to fly via Oslo, but the boarding pass was telling me otherwise: directly to Zürich. No-one informed me in advance. I'm still a bit surprised, but no complaining -> it was luxury!
But man, the real luxury is to sit at the same table eating raclette and drinking wine with important friends who are toasting me saying: "To Heini, we're glad you're back." (Heiniiii ählämi sählämiii!). Thank you, it is always great to be back. Laughing also has a significant role to play in these gatherings. I guess best story telling award goes this time to the truest man of Sevilla ;)
Friday late afternoon in Bern. |
Friday was a very nice day. I was very surprised how warm it was. I wonder did Winter ever come to Bern. Anyhow people were running in my favorite training forest not wearing so much clothes on. Later I saw Springs first flowers and had very nice time with a football friend on a terrace of the most beautiful place of Bern (Rosengarten). I walked back to Fellergut in time to witness my first kitchen fight about cleaning. Everyone agreed that kitchen should be clean, but how clean? How can a chocolate bar on a table prevent you to have meal at otherwise clean and empty table? We tryed to solve this problem in the late evening at the place of a cool Turk. The solution remained as a mystery...
Lavey |
Finally the newest part of my visit. I got my long-time dream coming true on Saturday and the sunny weather was on our side. Adelboden is a HUGE skiing area (at least in Finland point of view) in Berner Oberland. We were skiing 4,5 hours and I guess we used caple cars or lifts less than 10 times to go up. Now my highest point is 2200m (Lavey), jejee! The landscape was amazing and when the Sun was sinking, the colours in the sky were magical.
Skiing was awesome but needed some concentration. The warmth had made the snow very heavy and at some spots it was difficult to ski. In the shadows we found that advertised powder snow. Then darkness came (usually slopes in Switzerland aren't lighten) and we passed après ski to have a better one back home Fellergut.
Après ski meaning the old set (the best set): dinner and kitchen hanging out until 3 o'clock. It works always, there is nothing unexpected.