keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2016

How to become priest

Ordination. Photo Marjo Virtanen.
In Finland you need to be first Master of Theology, and then got a job at least for 6 months and finally to be accepted by Bishop and chapter (tuomiokapituli). When all this happens, Bishop “makes” you priest by blessing you his hands on your head. You’re priest.


All this took for me about 8,5 years.


How I became priest? This is my journey.


Ever heard of calling? That God calls someone to do something for His Kingdom. It’s a very powerful calling. I tried to fight it back some 10 years. I was born into a religious family. I’ve believed in God as long as I can remember. And one night as 8-10 year-old child it hit me: religious people become more often priests. Then it felt insuperable and I prayed God to plan me something else.


Isonen. Confirmation camps
enrich expressions.
15-year-old Heini in THE confirmation camp -> best time ever! I found my place with other youngsters in our parish.  And as I was later doing confirmation camps as helper (isonen), my stubborn head started to turn: I want to do this for living. God, OK, I say yes. No other occupation inspires me like this one.


OK, the basic problem solved. More to be solved.

But I’m thankful for all the obstacles there has been. Firstly: I didn’t pass the exam to study at university at the first time. But at the second time I did and I started my studies at the University of Helsinki. Secondly, I never liked studying that much, but the goal kept me going on. Every Summer I had a summer job at some parish in Finland. Besides having an awesome time, I learned great deal about priest job and Summer jobs have strengthened my calling.


(3) 2014, my graduation was approaching. Do I really want to do this, to be priest? I’d be different than others, what things I still can do and what not, my life would be an example, do I have enough words for different situations, do I have all the ability needed. These kinds of questions I was wrestling. It took about 6 months to have all the answers. Many conversations with Jesus. He called me to serve with the ability I have. With the talents He created in me. And I serve best being me.


Crepes and other adventures.
I started to apply jobs. (4) I’ve written tens of applications, rarely got invited for an interview. It could have been depressing to hear “No” after “No”, but I wasn’t that worried. I’ll got THE job, when God thinks I’m ready for that and when I can handle it. While waiting, I even got another study place in Jyväskylä, where I found my home too. And while waiting I’ve lived, not waited, and learned more about life, got to know new amazing friends and deepened old friendships.  Every experience has prepared me for priesthood.


2nd of June 2016 turned my life: I got a job, which was made for me. Which was meant for me, I dare say. At my home town Lohja. 50%, so I can continue my cross-country skiing “career” and have the best parts from Jyväskylä and Lohja. My job gives me so much joy! But the main date is 18th of December 2016. I became priest. My heart races a bit faster when I think it: I’m priest. This feels good. I’m in the right place. This is my calling. This is my journey. I don’t know what is ahead, so lead me Jesus. Give me everything I need on this path.


God bless you.  
Haggenegg, Schwyz, Switzerland.

 By the way, I’m still Heini and I will still laugh and joy, I will live!



maanantai 17. lokakuuta 2016

"Junat ja naiset on luotuja kulkemaan"

Kiitos Jenni Vartiainen sanoituksesta, toi pätee muhun. Yhdessä ja erikseen. Ja varsinkin Sveitsissä. The latest Swiss time.

Pojasta polvi paranee
Paitsi ettei ehkä parane. Perintögeenit ja -vaivat seuraa hienosti perässä. Treeneillä ja uusilla kengillä oli ehkä jokin osa, kun Nikander-polvet 5 päivää ennen lähtöä anoivatkin saikkua. Vaellusreissu oli melkein katkolla, mutta oikeaan aikaan odottamatta kuvioihin astunut Mr. Cool X yhdessä Buranan ja Panadolin voimin mahdollisti kolmen tunnin hitaan kävelyn ihan kivoille näköaloille Einsiedelnissä.

Ruoho on vihreämpää aidan takana
Todellaki on! Suomessa koivut on jo ihan alasti, kun keskellä Sveitsiä puut vasta miettii, että pitäiskö vaihtaa väriä. Iski melkein vihersokeus, niin vihreetä nurmea ja puuta oli kaikkialla.

Mutta ei pelkästään kirjaimellisesti. "Vaelluksen" lisäksi olin katselemassa kaupunkeja, joissa olin aina halunnu käydä. Aloitin kolmen kaupungin tourin Fribourgista. Mielikuvat siitä oli vähän erilaisia kuin mitä todellisuus sitten oli. Vähän samanlaista kuin Bern, mutta ruma Bern. Aika nopeesti etenin siitä junalla (junalla tietenkin!) Montreuxiin ja olin niin etelässä! Upee keli ja värikäs kaupunki, joka kohoaa Genevenjärven rannasta kohti vuorten huippuja. Palmuja alhaalla, lunta ylhäällä. Ilmapiiri siellä oli semmoi, että haluun sinne joskus lomalle. Lopuksi kiiruhdin Neuchateliin katsomaan auringonlaskun ja aika taikaa se oli. Järven ja Juran lisäksi Neuchatelissa on tosi jees vanha kaupunki. Kun pääsin junaan, pimeys oli laskeutunut ja katselin, kun täysikuu teki kuunsiltaa järven pinnalle. Mä voisin Jeesus vielä omistaa sen kaikkivoipan junakortin (GA). Ruoho on tuolla vähintään yhtä vihreetä kuin täällä.

A friend in need is a friend indeed
I wasn't in any kind of trouble, any other idiom just didn't cross my mind. Need or no need, my friends are awesome indeed. Vou, I just invented idiom of my own!

Our nights were great of course, but there were some small things I'd like to share.
1. I was shopping with my friend. "I buy a beer," I said. My friend stopped and gave me a long, disbelieving look. Until now I was known just as wine-drinker.
2. On the second day I woke up at 13:18 after sleeping 13 hours. New sleeping record, I guess.
3. We chose Friday night movie for at least two hours and ended up watching a document or reality film of vampires everyday life in Welligton. Hehee, was at the same time what the f.. and hilarious.
4. I met a guy from my Erasmus-year. He had also moved back to Bern. That year (2012-2013) has been remarkable and produced a lot of people who keep coming back.
5. Lebenese ählämi sählämis are the best and funniest ählämi sählämis there is! Thank you for Saturday and Sunday morning jokes!

Einsiedeln. Worth to visit. And then remember to buy a bottle of  red wine from the monastery. It's way better than Valamos.

Fribourg. It tries to be like Bern, but Bern is so much nicer and more beautiful.

Montreux. I want to have holidays here at some day. There's everything: lake to swim, mountains to hike and nice city to walk around.

Neuchatel. I'd describe it like Montreux but there's not that Southern Europe feeling or atmosphere.

And may I introduce my Mr. Cool X. You make my heart race.

I'd like to be once more a happy GA-holder.
See you in April (or in May)!

tiistai 31. toukokuuta 2016

Meeting points

Oulu, Wien, Bratislava. And a twist. 
All once or twice (or a lot!) seen with memorable experience. 
Because of the people, they all claimed a new tour.

Switzerland came to Oulu
Oh cool, Switzerland was nearer than never before! A very good friend of mine from my past Swiss-time works for  Polar in Oulu. We didn't do anything special, but everything will be special with a good friend. We either hadn't that much time, but jehei, the weather was on our side and the light is maybe the best thing in northern coutries right now, so it kind of gave us extra hours. And not to forget, special thanks once again to my night host for familiar bed.

Trees make the roof for us. Vienna
Wien. Wein? Wine!
Two hungry girls from Finland are here for some food. The only wine we actually "drank" here, was just rice boiled in white wine. The titel was just so catchy, hehee. Jep, from Oulu to Vienna. And now I had my regular travel mate, SpongeBob, with me and we were visiting our most kind friend Sissi and her amazing family.

Two years ago we saw Vienna for the first time, but then and even now, there is still a lot to explore. This time we spent our time in forests, eating Sushi and local desserts, and visiting the fun park Prater. This thursday was a catholic holy day Fronleichnam (celebrated just in Austria) and that evening the city offered an open-air concert on back yard of the castle Schönbrunn. Nice. 60 000 people, and no loudspeakers. Well, picknic and atmospheare were the point.

Bratislava old town
After 2 nights to the dark side? Once passing by Bratislava, we "saw" the city for 4 hours and felt a bit sorry for our friend, let's name her Kenwood, who was moving there. Luckily, we were so wrong, 'cause Bratislava isn't the dark side but we became bratislovers.

The Ristikäsi travel section was completed with FolkeWest (not the real one, but our friend) and was ready for new experiences followed by Kenwoods man Mr. Bald (he is not bald, his last name just refers to that). Our trips only took us to old times: middle age festivals on the yard of castle Rotenstein. Nice one with horse shows, costumes, knights and food. And to the old city of Bratislava, which was cosy and lively. So good to be in Europe! We followed the food (and drink) theme to the food festivals at the very end of my visit. And what was same as ever, was the heat on our trips and our sense of humour (the best thing!!).

Future interfering?
And the twist. I applied a priest job before we took off and got the infomation on the road, that I was invited to the interview! The challenge was then to be in 2 countries on the same day. My life seems never getting boring. New plan, new flight tickets back to Finland one day before our holiday end. I think the interview went well and afterwards back to the airport to get my things, which where in the luggage of SpongeBob. And of course, have to keep the extreme on and travel back home through the light night. I just moved to a new nice flat (5th address in Jyväskylä within a year), but for how long?
Tuomiojärvenranta, Jyväskylä

Edit: I got that job!! = God interfering, jee!

Extra: learning new words througout the week
Jucken. A german word for itching (mosquitos!)
Kampi. A finnish word for crank, which is a part of a bike.
Rävö. A finnish word for bungler or duffer. I think it is just used in particular families.
Org/arg/oarg. A german word to describe that someone is negatively way incredible.
Botel. A hotel in a boat.
Pozor! A slovak word for watch out!
Páska. A slovak word for tape (like Scotch).

maanantai 8. helmikuuta 2016

Something new, something old, something unexpected

The main purpose for this trip was to see my friends in Bern. That's kind of an old thing thoug. But this something new was skiing in the Alps! Not cross-country but downhill skiing. During the weekend there was couple of unexpected stories and a note to tell, which were at same time new things too. Well, I give the unexpected note right the way: I forgot everything in Finland while being in Switzerland (studies, job applications and my very-hard-to-plan future) and I got a bit scared how easily it happened.

Preparing the raclette.
And my 4 day long holiday started with another unexpected thing. 'Cause I'm student, I try to travel as cheap as possible. So I bought the cheapest flights too, which aren't usually direct ones. This time I was supposed to fly via Oslo, but the boarding pass was telling me otherwise: directly to Zürich. No-one informed me in advance. I'm still a bit surprised, but no complaining -> it was luxury!
But man, the real luxury is to sit at the same table eating raclette and drinking wine with important friends who are toasting me saying: "To Heini, we're glad you're back." (Heiniiii ählämi sählämiii!). Thank you, it is always great to be back. Laughing also has a significant role to play in these gatherings. I guess best story telling award goes this time to the truest man of Sevilla ;)

Friday late afternoon in Bern.
Friday was a very nice day. I was very surprised how warm it was. I wonder did Winter ever come to Bern. Anyhow people were running in my favorite training forest not wearing so much clothes on. Later I saw Springs first flowers and had very nice time with a football friend on a terrace of the most beautiful place of Bern (Rosengarten). I walked back to Fellergut in time to witness my first kitchen fight about cleaning. Everyone agreed that kitchen should be clean, but how clean? How can a chocolate bar on a table prevent you to have meal at otherwise clean and empty table? We tryed to solve this problem in the late evening at the place of a cool Turk. The solution remained as a mystery...

Finally the newest part of my visit. I got my long-time dream coming true on Saturday and the sunny weather was on our side. Adelboden is a HUGE skiing area (at least in Finland point of view) in Berner Oberland. We were skiing 4,5 hours and I guess we used caple cars or lifts less than 10 times to go up. Now my highest point is 2200m (Lavey), jejee! The landscape was amazing and when the Sun was sinking, the colours in the sky were magical.
Skiing was awesome but needed some concentration. The warmth had made the snow very heavy and at some spots it was difficult to ski. In the shadows we found that advertised powder snow. Then darkness came (usually slopes in Switzerland aren't lighten) and we passed après ski to have a better one back home Fellergut.

Après ski meaning the old set (the best set): dinner and kitchen hanging out until 3 o'clock. It works always, there is nothing unexpected.